Friday, August 01, 2008
At over 11,000 feet, this glacier-capped massif drains in three direction. It is a (possibly 'the') hydrological apex of North America. Its glaciers drain into the Pacific Ocean via the Columbia River, the Arctic Ocean via the Athabasca and Mackenzie Rivers and into Hudson Bay via the North Saskatchewan and Nelson Rivers.
If you've got a big screen you might click on the picture. I'm pleased with how it turned out.
Posted by Raspberry Rabbit at 8/01/2008 3 comments
Labels: Blogging Away, Canada
The Stanley Cup has apparently been used in a 'private christening', according to the Canadian Press. The service took place in Sweden where Tomas Holmstrom was having 'his day' with the Cup having been a member of the Detroit Redwings which took the Cup out of the country (Canada) and the city (Montreal) which would ordinarily merit it.
Okay, so Detroit is a cold place and the Redwings a venerable team. We've now got a whole lot of teams in places where ice doesn't occur normally. They get the best teams American oil money can afford. Long past are the days when desirable foreigners had to defect in order to play hockey and all the American teams had Canadian players.
There is a long tradition of Canadian Naval Chaplains using an upended ship's bell for baptisms so I suppose it's not too much of a stretch. No mention in the article of a minister being involved in the service or whether the baptism was properly peformed using Trinitarian formulae.
We eagerly await to hear about the child of a Formula One winner being sprayed with champagne. Thanks to Joe over at Felix Hominum for the link.
More news from Rev Ruth about other innovations in ecclesiastical hardware.
Posted by Raspberry Rabbit at 8/01/2008 0 comments
Labels: Canada
Scotland is suitably grey and rainy. Will look idly out the window for an hour or so this morning and get back into it. Coming back from holidays isn't always easy. But we did see bears, and mountains. We spent time with my family in British Columbia and a week in a great summer community in Sorrento. Good worship - new friends. The whole nine yards.
The picture above is of two nice little people standing in the Columbia Ice Fields with somebody who looks like the rector of Weyburn Saskatchewan.
Posted by Raspberry Rabbit at 8/01/2008 3 comments
Labels: Blogging Away, Canada